Community Projects & News
G.R.S and East Coast Radio :: 2008-05-15
The BIG CLEAN UP with GRAFFITI REMOVAL SERVICES and East Coast Radio. On Wednesday 7th of May 2007, ECR and G.R.S showed their initiative in helping the community tackle the ever escalating problem of Graffiti vandalism. The location was the Musgrave Congregational Church. The show went live at 6 AM (with a listenership of approximately 1.8 million listeners) G.R.S with the help of the community started cleaning 15 large Graffiti Tags from the Church walls. As we started removing the Graffiti from the walls, individuals on their way to work or school stopped to give us a helping hand. The first to arrive was a gentleman from Pick n Pay Musgrave, followed by a group of eager school children. Everyone assisted in scrubbing walls, and removing the unsightly spray paint from the church walls. Throughout the morning East Coast Radio crossed over to interview the volunteers and the public, on what they thought of Graffiti and why they also feel it is important to clean these walls. In addition we had motorists also displaying their appreciation by blowing their hooters regularly during the course of the morning. The wall was about 100 metres long with mainly silver spray paint. In addition the City Manager also participated in showing his support to this valuable cause. He also indicated that for Durban to win the war on Graffiti it was imperative for business and the community to get involved to rid the suburbs of the ever increasing epidemic. The entire event was a huge success and it was great to experience the passion and commitment from companies and the man on the street to restore our city and suburbs to a Graffiti clear condition. Furthermore it was also encouraging to see companies wanting to join our "Graffiti Clear Partner" concept, where businesses or individuals adopt an area by providing funds to keep such an area Graffiti Clear. In return G.R.S will ensure the area concerned will remain free from any Graffiti as per the agreed contract period. Not only does this guarantee effective and professional Graffiti removal, but also 5% of the total contract value will be donated back to a charity of the clients choice. This great initiative also allows companies to give back to the community. Thank you East Coast Radio, businesses and all the individuals that made this project possible. Keep up the good work, we look forward to the next BIG CLEAN UP. Article by: Gary Roper G.R.S Durban-Central. 
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